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Mesothelioma Resource Online is a site that is dedicated to you, the people and their loved ones who suffer from Mesothelioma (cancer of the mesothelium).

Mesothelioma may be a relatively rare disease but for those effected, it can alter your lives and the lives of your loved ones, drastically and irrevocably.

While Cancer, is a painful disease in any form, the most tragic and unacceptable aspect of Mesothelioma is that 80 % of the time it is contracted due to asbestos exposure in the environment. Yes, its true, if you or someone you know was diagnosed as having Mesothelioma, it might have been because of the environment hazards.

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), has set certain limits for exposure to Asbestos which is considered safe. However, sufferers of Mesothelioma may not realize that the pain they are enduring was caused due to the negligence of those around them.

Those at an increased risk of developing Mesothelioma are

Workers at a shipyard
Workers at an asbestos mine and mill
Producers of asbestos products
Workers in the heating and construction industries
Trades people
Friends and family of the workers in the above listed fields.

Mesothelioma Resource Online, presents information that will help you understand the disease; its causes, effects and how you can best cope with it. We will also suggest resources where you can reach people, organizations and committees dedicated to helping patients of Mesothelioma in every way possible ---from emotional to legal perspectives and more!

Mesothelioma is sometimes misspelled as mesotheliomia, mesotheelioma, mesothilioma, mesothelimoa, mesotheloma, mesotheleoma, mesotheiloma, and mesotheliom. Before you start your search make sure that you know exactly how mesothelioma is spelled to get the best search results.

Cause of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

Pleural Mesothelioma is rare. That is what the people in charge would have you think. If Pleural Mesothelioma is so rare, how do you think, more than 2000 to 3000 new patients are diagnosed every year?

The fact is Pleural Mesothelioma used to be a rare form of cancer which made a symptomatic appearance 30-50 years after exposure to Asbestos. You see the only way to contract Pleural Mesothelioma is by being exposed to Asbestos. Before 1980 there were no laws protecting the workers from Asbestos exposure in the workplace, however, once it was seen that people working in an environment of Asbestos exposure were being diagnosed with Pleural Mesothelioma 30-50 years after their exposure, laws began to change.

Just imagine you work for 30 years in an industry and when you near retirement age you or your loved one contracts Pleural Mesothelioma.

What is Pleural Mesothelioma

Pleural Mesothelioma cancer is a malignant form of cancer found in the sac lining of the abdominal cavity or around the lining of the heart. It’s a fast and deadly cancer as once the symptoms develop it divides at a swift rate and complications are created within a year. The survival rate is nil and the life expectancy once the pleural Mesothelioma cancer develops is hardly two to three years, if you are lucky.

Asbestos Exposure and Pleural Mesothelioma

80% of all Mesothelioma cases are for workers in the asbestos industry. The disease is more common in men between the ages 50 and 70 and is contracted through the occupational hazard.

Most laws emerged but as yet, fail to give complete protection to the workers in the Asbestos industry. People working in shipyards, mines, insulation factories etc are still as viable to get pleural Mesothelioma as they were decades ago. Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma causes death. The fault lies with your employer.

Mesothelioma Resource Online, presents information that will help you understand the disease; its causes, effects and how you can best cope with it. If you need further assistance or have some questions on what you have seen so far, please feel free to contact us for more information.

Money is not everything. True. The difference between our service and other online companies is a person can be available to assist you. This tends to be much easier than getting in your car and driving to several stores.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma

This form of mesothelioma accounts for about 20% of documented cases which makes it considerably more rare than pleural mesothelioma. Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the lining that surrounds the abdominal organs, notably the GI tract. This cancer is contracted by exposure to asbestos, though the route of exposure to tumor is not well known.

There are two major theories as to how the cancer develops in the peritoneal mesothelium. Some researchers think the fibers get cause in mucous in the throat when they are inhaled and are swallowed as an entrance to the GI tract. Other researchers think the fibers may be inhaled to the lungs but travel to the lymphatic systems and transferred to the peritoneal area.

Either way, the fibers cause the cells in the area to behave abnormally and have incredibly long life spans. This causes the formation of tumors in the mesothelium which can spread throughout the peritoneal mesothelium. The cells remain dormant for multiple decades before showing any symptoms of the disease and by then the disease is in its advanced stages.

When symptoms do present themselves they include: abdominal pain and swelling (fluid retention), weight loss, appetite loss, nausea, bowel obstruction, weakness and breathing trouble depending on the size and location of the tumors.

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